Teacher Emilio Podcast
Learning English through conversations is ideal and I always recommend it to students. This podcast will cover different topics in English, such as: life overseas, language learning, culture, and much more. It is great for anyone that wants to practice listening and also to relax while learning new things. Thank you so much for joining me and I hope you enjoy the podcast.
Teacher Emilio Podcast
#99 Did you fail your IELTS or PTE? Then do these 3 things!
Thank you all for the wait and your support, I really appreciate it and means a lot.
If you haven't watched/heard Killing the dragon here we have parts one and two:
Killing the dragon on Spotify (this one is audio only)
Killing the dragon part 2 on Youtube
Killing the dragon part 2 on Spotify
Study with me! 🧑🏫 and Pass IELTS & PTE!
*when you join any tier you will receive a copy of my ebook*
📩 admin@teacheremilio.com or DM me over Instagram
Social 📲
Instagram @teacheremiliod -> Follow and ask about anything to be covered in the podcast
Youtube Teacher Emilio
Teacher Emilio Podcast Facebook Group